Thursday, June 4, 2009

World of Warcraft

After watching an episode of South Park entitled Make Love Not Warcraft, my husband and I decided to enter the world of online gaming. Upon visiting and reading several reviews, I remember being pretty impressed by the graphics and storyline. Coming from the world of Nintendo, adventuring with Zelda and Link, the new graphics and play-style were amazing! However, after reading a few blogs, I was hesitant to join what I was sure were going to be mobs of pimple-faced teenagers that were too nerdy to make friends with "real" people.

I have to admit, stepping into a new world, even online, was a little intimidating, but I persevered and soon learned that the online gaming community is just as diverse as the real world. I've played with a 16-year-old high school student from Canada, a 34-year-old nurse from Illinois and a 70+ retired gentleman from England. I have made friends with people I have never met face-to-face. We've shared laughs, got mad and frustrated in tense situations and shared jubilation when we conquered a tough dungeon boss.

WoW players have a language that is all their own as well. And... I found this out while trying to explain the game, and my passion for it, to my friends at work. Heh heh. They all look at me like I have four eyes when I brag about my new mount or venturing in to BRD for a holiday achievement. They all have just learned to humor me by nodding and pretending to get it.

So two years later, I have an 80 arcane mage, an 80 dual spec'd priest (shadow and holy) and a 74 destruction warlock. And still loving the game! Which I think is quite an accomplishment by Blizzard. To design a game that keeps a 34-year-old career woman intrigued for over two years is a pretty impressive feat!

I would love to hear anyone else's opinions or experiences with World of Warcraft. ... ... Its kind of like having kids. If two women (complete strangers) are in a room and they have both had kids, then they will have no problem making conversation. Its the same with WoW. If you play, you can always have lengthy conversations with complete strangers... as long as they play too. :)

"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
~Walt Disney

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